October 24, 2016 2 min read
We feel good about using LooHoos. They cut down dryer time and offer a safe alternative to toxic dryer sheets.
But after their last use, then what?
There are plenty of creative ways to enjoy LooHoo’s afterlife, from hanging parking indicators (most use tennis balls in their garage) to an impromptu juggling act to practice hand-eye coordination. Other favorites include:
• Games: While they may not be able to withstand a game of tennis, the wool balls are great fun for pets and kids alike. They can even serve as bowling balls—pins not included.
• Therapy Balls: Retailer Shawn Brow of South Perry Yoga, in Spokane, Wash. shared that she likes to use the balls for marma point work. Get the kinks out of your shoulder blades or back by positioning one of the balls between the sore spot and a hard surface (laying on the ground or sitting in a chair both work) and moving it around. Also, increase hand strength by squeezing a ball whenever you have time. Rolling a ball under your foot a few minutes a day can also increase hamstring flexibility.
• Crafting: LooHoo Wool Dryer Balls founder Cyndi Prince says she likes to string the balls outside and use as a decorative garland during the holidays. The balls also make interesting textures when painting. Or, get creative with fabric, paint and sewing scraps and make a doll or snowman.
• Air Fresheners: Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and place the wool balls around your home, in dresser drawers or in your car.
• Cleaning Aids: Adhere a wool ball to the end of a stick and clean ceilings and other hard-to-reach areas. The firm surface also makes them ideal for removing scuff marks on the floor.
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